Recently retrieved from the McGinty archives*: "Space Nutz", a cartoon created by myself and Bob Kathman. The idea was that the Space Nutz are an outerspace rock group, who learn about music from radio waves traveling through space. I recorded a bunch of Space Nutz tracks in my East Village apartment, using analog synths, cheap music-making toys, primitive samplers and a Tascam Portastudio. Some of these tracks were later recorded by actual earthlings, The Kustard Kings. These are the original versions.
*McGinty archives: Several shoeboxes filled with unlabeled cassettes
Patrick Hambrecht of Flaming Fire has graciously agreed to release these long lost tracks on his label, Cuniglius Records.
Space Nutz Theme
I Think I Love You
Listen to more examples and download tracks from
The obligatory MySpace page.
Here's a slideshow featuring some of Bob Kathman's original Space Nutz artwork:
It must shown on TV as well.
Posted by: idaho payday loans | April 18, 2011 at 07:15 AM